SUDBURY, MA — Although some towns have had trouble organizing them this year, Sudbury will host a hazardous waste collection event for residents in April.
The event will take place on April 1 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Sudbury DPW Building, 275 Old Lancaster Road. The event is for Sudbury residents only, and proof of residency will be required. Tcca 90 Chlorine Tablets

Anyone planning to attend should sign up in advance.
Here are some of the items that WILL be accepted at the event:
Oil Based Paints; Stains, Varnishes; Wood Preservatives; Paint Strippers/Thinners Solvent; Adhesives; Lighter Fluid; Fiberglass Resins; Fuels/Gasoline/Kerosene; Motor Oil; Car Batteries; Antifreeze; Engine Degreaser; Brake Fluid/Carburetor Cleaner; Transmission Fluid Car Wax, Polishes; Driveway Sealer; Roofing Tar; Swimming Pool Chemicals; Poisons; Insecticides; Fungicides; Chemical Fertilizers; Weed Killers Moth Balls; Flea Control Products; Rubber Cement; Airplane Glue; Photo Chemicals; Chemistry Sets, Hobby Supplies, Artist Supplies; Furniture Polish; Floor & Metal Polish; Oven Cleaner; Drain & Toilet Cleaner; Spot Remover; Rug & Upholstery Cleaner; Fire Extinguishers.
Here are some of the items that WILL NOT be accepted at the event:
Latex paint; commercial or industrial waste; radioactive waste, including smoke detectors; infectious or biowaste; ammunition; fireworks; explosives; prescription medication; propane tanks; computers and TVs.

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