Winter is coming, do we have enough gas?The minister has certain concerns: the analyst is clear!The tipping point is approaching, but it won't be cheap |

2022-09-23 22:39:31 By : Ms. Lizzy Zhang

BRATISLAVA – Winter is approaching and Slovakia still has no concrete plan to solve the energy crisis.However, oil and gas reservoirs appear to be full.Even more than originally expected.However, it does not change the fact that we pay extra for heat.According to Ivan Bošňák from Dát bez pathos, we will survive the winter without any problems and the tipping point will soon come.The Slovak gas industry recently concluded a contract with ExxonMobil and further strengthens the security of gas supplies for Slovakia.Slovakia also has plenty of oil, so we should see through the winter with sufficient reserves despite the initial fears.However, the new Minister of Economy expressed some doubts, but according to the analyst, we should survive the winter without problems.Archive VIDEO Hirman reassures the public about energy prices in the government, there is no reason to panicSufficient reserves of natural gas in gas reservoirs will not be sufficient for trouble-free gas supplies in Slovakia during the winter heating season.This was stated by Karel Hirman in the discussion program of radio Expres."In order to overcome the winter without problems, we must also have a sufficient inflow of gas, not only enough gas in storage tanks," he said.Photo gallery (8) Source: Data without pathos"We need to maintain a sufficient flow of gas into the European network.If it continues as it has been, there will be enough gas," he added.However, he confirmed that Slovakia is among the European countries with the most filled gas reservoirs.Legislation that will solve the energy crisis is to be adopted this Wednesday.According to him, capping energy prices is one of the basic mechanisms.However, according to him, the measures cannot be the same across the board for everyone."Helping business would be illegal state aid.However, for example, we also have companies and municipalities that have secured energy for the next period as well," he explained.According to Ivan Bošňák, Minister of Economy Hirman correctly talks about two quantities - state and inflow."We have to have them "in order".We definitely already have stocks = status and they continue to rise and we will probably get even higher before the end of October.His Ministry of Economy has an overview of the inflow, and I am disturbed if he evaluates the contracted supplies as insufficient, the last statements of Mr. Secretary Galek spoke of almost a billion m3 of supplies from LNG and from Norway by the end of the year, while 5 to 6 million m3 also flow daily from Russia.In any case, Europe today has an "inflow" in order and at the level of 7 billion m3 per week, of which Russia is only 8%," he thinks.Photo gallery (8) Source: Data without pathos"Technically, we are already almost in the winter period of 8 months from October to the end of May, and the worries have definitely passed.In a few days, Europe will announce "full tanks" and that will be the turning point for prices and also the use of gas in gas-fired power plants.The expected situation is a complete stoppage of supplies from Russia, and unexpected situations would be LNG terminal crashes or a very harsh early and long winter," Bošňák clarified.According to the state secretary of the Ministry of Economy, Karol Galek, Slovakia's gas storage tanks are more than 80% full, they contain more than 30 terawatt hours (TWh) of gas, he said last week.Of this, 65% are intended for the Slovak market.Thanks to the additional contracts, an additional 10 TWh of gas should flow to Slovakia by the end of the year.By the end of the heating season, i.e. by the end of March next year, it will be another 7.8 TWh.Currently, however, the reservoirs are filled to more than 85%.Photo gallery (8) Source: Topky/Ján ZemiarThis is also confirmed by current data, which is regularly published by Data Without Pathos.Bošňák confirmed for Topky that, according to the latest data, Slovakia has available reserves on its own territory worth more than 30 TWh."And that is more than half a year's normal consumption of the whole of Slovakia.We have the third highest reserves in Europe against annual consumption.Compared to other countries, our stocks are good and high," he said, adding that although we do not have exact data on contracted deliveries, it is clear from the available information that our stocks should be enough until the end of winter."It dates back to the end of April 2023. So we will certainly survive the winter without any problems," he said.Photo gallery (8) Source: Data without pathosThe average gas consumption in Slovakia during the heating season is approximately 32 TWh."While the average gas consumption during the heating season in Slovakia ranges from 32 to 36 TWh, Slovakia has more than 38 TWh available, and we are really only talking about what is in the reservoirs and what SPP has secured," Galek calculated with that , that these volumes do not include gas from Russia, which is still flowing.Photo gallery (8) Source: Data without pathosThe Bosnian does not expect that there will be problems with the gas.Europe, and Slovakia, is also prepared for a really hard winter with the volume of stocks and confirmed deliveries."We are now cutting a meter by the end of April or May.In addition, Europe has started saving, as evidenced by the lower consumption in the first half of 2022 compared to previous years.All good news," stated Bošňák.SPP responded with a press release dated September 8, in which they announced the signing of a diversification contract for the purchase of liquefied natural gas (LNG) with ExxonMobil, one of the world's largest publicly traded international energy companies.Both companies expressed a common interest in further cooperation in the medium term.SPP has thus taken another step on the way to strengthening Slovakia's energy independence, diversifying sources and increasing the security of gas supplies.Photo gallery (8) Source: Topky/Maarty"Concluding a contract with such a strategic partner as ExxonMobil opens up new possibilities for us in the availability of natural gas and LNG.Deliveries of gas and liquefied gas from various markets and terminals in Europe, for which we have secured physical transport capacity to Slovakia, are becoming a permanent and integral part of SPP's business portfolio," said Richard Prokypčák, vice chairman of the board and CEO of SPP, after signing the contract with ExxonMobil.SPP considers the conclusion of this contract to be an extraordinary success.Through this contract, SPP can secure gas supplies from the south for its customers.In addition to the Italian infrastructure, they also use the LNG terminal in Croatia, along with the northern route, through a diversification contract for the supply of gas from the North Sea production fields and the still functioning transport route through Ukraine.In recent months, SPP has been making every effort to ensure continuous energy supplies for all its customers, from large industrial customers to households.By concluding diversification contracts, the company, according to its words, can currently cover more than 65% of its customers' consumption from sources other than Russian.SPP experts continue to evaluate all available options, and after their thorough assessment, the company takes further necessary measures."For the winter season, it is important to ensure a combination of sufficient storage capacities and a year-round stable gas flow.Thanks to rigorous preparation, Slovakia is one of the most prepared countries in Europe in this area, before the upcoming winter season," SPP said.The volume of gas pushed by SPP into storage tanks to date, together with regular diversified deliveries, give the company enough optimism that it will manage the winter season 2022/2023 without affecting supplies to its customers.However, from the point of view of the availability of gas supplies, it is crucial for Slovakia that the functioning of the market in Europe and functioning cross-border connections between individual EU member states are maintained.Archive VIDEO According to Sulík, the solutions to the energy crisis are ready: Now it needs to be doneWe are also doing well with oil reserves."Slovakia currently has emergency stocks of oil and oil products at the level of 98 days, while the minimum level is 90 days in accordance with Council Directive 2009/119/EC of September 14, 2009, which obliges member states to maintain minimum stocks of oil and/or oil products products," Ján Rudolf, the head of the State Material Reserves Administration, said for Topky.However, people are still somewhat worried about the lack of heat, but also about high prices.Prices are already two to three times higher than a year ago."Gas price calculations for households and small businesses are done differently in our country.It is assumed that in the decisive period from October 2021 to September 2022, the average price in the calculation will be 3-4 times higher than in the previous period from October 2020 to September 2021," Bošňák said."Only 10 days of September are missing from the formula, I don't know why the authorities are hiding the result.It is a quadruple.Here the government must help with energy checks.People need to see that gas is more expensive and they need to save, but to pay the bill, the government has to help the needy, the poor and the severely disabled directly with finances," he explains.Slovakia has above-average heating of public spaces, houses, apartments and even schools.According to the Bosnian, this is not the norm in Scandinavia, Britain, or even in German-speaking countries."We got used to high temperatures at home, we have dry air, we don't ventilate a lot and as a result we get sick.Now there will be pressure for change.It's up to us," Bošňák said.One of the solutions of the governments, not only in Slovakia, but also in Europe, which is discussed, is price ceilings.However, according to the analyst, ceiling regulation is not the solution."The solution is to bill the consumer at the actual prices for the actual consumption.But subsequently or in advance, it is necessary to send cash to all needy, poor households, families and individuals.People decide for themselves what, how much and when to pay and how to adjust their consumption.The aid also concerns companies to which the state should give concessions, either on taxes, fees or subsidies for specific production and goods and services.This is a transitional period," he told Topky.The price of gas is falling sharply."Compared to the maximum from August, it is almost halfway.Electricity prices will follow, and even before the end of the year, we predict in Dáta bez pathos a calming of the market, a higher supply of both gas and electricity, lower prices and the renewal of contracts for the future.It will be fine," he added.Former Minister of Economy Richard Sulík presented the so-calleda road map that contains energy measures.The measures are divided into three areas - electricity, gas and heat, and they are further divided into households, industry and public administration, respectively.measures that concern everyone.Sulík hopes that the current minister will manage to continue where he left off.Measures in the energy crisis are one of the main points of the September session of the parliament.According to Galek, the most important measure is capping the prices of electricity and gas for households.In the case of electricity, the European Commission is already evaluating the submitted contract.He added that in the case of gas, it is about the use of the supply security standard.According to Galek, the prepared measures should affect the price of gas, electricity and heat."The way we set it up at the Ministry of Economy, I believe that next year there really won't be any price shocks," he said.He added that if price shocks from the markets were to be reflected, i.e. 1,200- to 1,500-fold increases, it would be a severe blow to all consumers, which is why the Ministry of Health prepared a law on a state of emergency that could "realistically prevent the worst".However, he believes that such a step will not be necessary.KOŠICE – Eastern Slovakia was hit by devastating news.According to current statistics, an enormous increase in energy prices can have ... more »Video Photo LIPSKO - Italy's footballers won 1:0 over England in Friday's match 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